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Waxing Descriptions
Basic Bikini: Inner thighs top and bottom, 1-2" in on torso, and option to take some off the top
Extended Bikini: Basic Bikini plus a little off the outer sides of the labia
French Bikini: Extended Bikini plus the whole labia OR the backside
Brazilian Bikini: All hair removal from front to back. Option to leave some hair in the front (triangle, strip, box, heart)
Maintenance Brazilian: A return visit to see Jeeka w/in 4-6 weeks from your last visit
Partial Derriere: Either your booty cheeks or between your booty cheeks
Full Derriere: Full booty cheeks and between booty cheeks

Neck: Back of neck up to hairline. A great service to keep haircuts looking fresh!
Shoulders: Upper bicep to clavicle. Can be a stand alone service or added to a back wax
Half Back: Upper OR lower back
Full Back: From bottom of neck to pant line. Does not include shoulders
Upper Chest: Pectoral area
Full Torso: Pectoral area and stomach
Male Brazilian Wax: Front to back hair removal. Includes scrotum, shaft, backside, & front. Option to leave some hair in front.
Male Maintenance Brazilian: A return vissit to see Jeeka w/in 4-6 weeks
Partial Derriere: Either your booty cheeks or between your booty cheeks
Full Derriere: Full booty cheeks and between booty cheeks
Brows: Waxing done between brows, above, and underneath. A subtle, refined look
Nostils: Hair removal from the lower portion of the nostril
Ears: Hair removal from the outer lobe and and ear tab
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